Having a sudden gut wrenchingly insane craving for mushroom soup with salad by the side, preferably with some fresh succulent Norwegian salmon sashimi tossed in with a light dash of that whatever sauce that makes salad oh so yummy, but thank you a light dash would do coz horror of all horrors I've recently officially been condemed to hypercholestrolemics anonymous and am on a highly monitored apparently healthy diet to kick my ass back into its lean mean ol' self FML.
And then it hits me that at this particular hour in this particular place on earth during bulan Ramadhan no less where the way of life is to live to eat and by that meaning eat your guts crazy till yesterday's breakfast comes goofering out of every single orifice in your body both known and unknown to man, that any attempt for a so called 'healthy' supper is something one might as well call a joke, not withstanding the fact that according to the big O putting anything in your mouth after 7pm is downright blasphemous due to the fact that from 701pm onwards your body magically remodels its anatomy so as every single atom from that yummylicious cheeseburger that passes through your mouth shall end up straight at your ass. Every. Single. God Damn. Calorie. Speaking of, an average McD's double cheeseburger contains somewhere around 450kcals and 30gs of fat. Translates into roughly the weight of two Backstreet boys and enough moo-moo to feed a small African nation. Now how would you like that splattered all over your booty?
By the way, shoot me if you must but damn it I want a cheeseburger so much right now. Like, right now. It's pouring outside and my half asleep brain is fighting a losing battle trying to convince me to 'do the right thing!' and 'be a man!'....Russell Peters would be proud I'm sure.
Guess I'll just gulp down some Haier Fresh Air and hit the sack instead. After all it's just 4 hours away from daybreak....Hunger pangs can wait. I shall not succumb......my kung fu is strong.....
I miss you a lot, really a lot. You have no idea what I'll give to have you in my arms right now. Even in this current state of hunger-driven insanity, if it came down to you and a cheeseburger.......It'll still be you. Any and every time.
I know, this may not the most romantic thing to come out of a guy's mouth and this is certainly not the last word as far as mushy lyrical yada- yadas go....but please take it from me, when I say that you are the most precious thing in my life now....
No cheeseburger will ever, ever take your place in my heart, or my stomach I swear.
I love you very, very, very much.
And I'm still painfully hungry ouch FML.
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