Witnessed the full fury of Yangon at work today.
Rendered utterly speechless by her impossibly impossible sense of self-centeredness.
The stage:
Medical ward 3, Hosp Kajang
The backdrop:
Late noon, temp 35C and rising. Piledriver at work fixing the toilet pipings, patients moaning in pain/ ?ecstasy, staff nurses going ga-ga over the latest tudung fashion. In short, a total effing cacophonous mess.
The players:
Belle, sweet overworked but underpaid medical HO with a penchant for piercings and all things porky
Yangon, underworked but overpaid chirpy dimwitted aoooww-maaii-gaawwddness princess, Malaysia's latest import from the People's Dictatorial Hell of Burma/Myanmar/ whatever Chulalongkorn's sweet buns may call it
Me, the background extra
The epic:
Belle calling MO P to clarify orders for patient so-and-so.
Yangon chirping away in front of the phone.
Belle receiving orders at M16 speed from said MO.
Yangon still chirping away at heightened intensity.
Belle having a hard time picking up orders through the phone amidst the chaos.
Yangon still chirping away feverishly at full force, complete with hands-in-the-air dance moves, contorted facial expressions and a partridge and a pear tree.
Belle lost it. 'Shuush, I can't hear!'
Blank stare. No more chirping. No more cooing. It's as if someone suddely snapped the Duracells out of Yangon and she just fell dead silent.
And then.
'(emulating bitchy chirpy confusing tone)Now can you hear?? If cannot why not you bring the phone to the back room talk there???' Followed by princess stomps off into the great beyond.
Mind you - it was a landline phone we're talking about. With a really short cord. And the dude on the other end was more or less Boss figure or something.
Poor Belle. Caught off guard left her in a wide-eyed dazed state one only gets when, well, one gets barked at by a chirpy dimwitted aoooww-maaii-gaawwddness princess. Er, aaii doowwnnt kknnooaaooww....
The nerves.
Yes, this Yangon, she's many things - annoying, airhead, downright clueless - but being the chirpy dimwitted aoooww-maaii-gaawwddness princess that she is, I never really came to expect her to ever snap back with ferocity (read: bitchiness) of such magnitude.
Especially not when she's only been here for like, what, 2 weeks or so?
Not to mention she doing this to one of the only few people who actually bothers giving a petty fuck about her existence.
Seriously, does the Dictatorial Military Government of Burma teach such stuff at school or something??
I don't know.
Poor Belle. Didn't even had a chance to retaliate. Probably didn't want to,either. 'I'm such a pushover,' she sighed.
Felt sorry for her. That for standing up for her and taking her shit while she woefully flutters off to God-knows-where all the time. Presumably to recharge her batteries to keep her chirp o' meter at maximum strength.
This is war, girl.
You brought this upon yourself. Pissing off the only person who bothered trying to be there for you.
Now let's see how you fare on your own.
Good luck, and good riddance.
Aawww mmmaaaiii gaaaaooooawwwddd......
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