In many ways, Love is like a virus.
Love is airborne
(' love is in the air.........' )
Love has an incubation period
( boy meets girl, become friends for X years, then fall in love.....)
Love has a window period
( '....only then I realized I was in love.....' been there, done that? )
Love requires a host, without which it cannot survive
( you have to fall in love with SOMEONE/SOMETHING don't you - even if its yourself, you narcissistic bugger)
Love invades every system in the human anatomy
( light-headedness, breathless, skipping heartbeats, butterflies in stomach, jello knees........yep, its systemic)
Love feeds off its host, sucking the bare life out of him/her
( notice how lovestruck people always tend to look a tad zombie-ish with idiotic grins plastered over their faces)
Love seeks out a new host when it has consumed all trace of life from its previous one
( att: Paris Hilton)
When Love leaves, it leaves but a bare shadow of what it's host used to be - a mere shell of a body, its soul ravished and raped, spat out on the curb and left to die.........
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