Thursday, January 28, 2010

Keep your Fucking trap shut

In the wake of a recent series of unfortunate events unfolding at the workplace, the powers-that-be have had a little sit-down behind closed doors to reflect on the situation and ' learn from the mistakes', so to speak.

Unfortunately, most of the time 'learning from mistakes' is exactly the agenda missing from such meetings.

It is always so easy and convenient to point the finger and cast the blame in a retrospective manner coz, well, what's done is done.

Sometimes it's human error. Sometimes it's just wrong timing. And sometimes, most of the time, it's just what people call an Act of God.

In English, that means Shit Happens.

Yeah, shit does happen. In our line, shit happens in truckloads.

Most, if not all of us have at one point or another experienced some means of so called acts of God during our not-so-long career. Some can be just a petty nuisance like a speedbump on the driveway while others can be so life-changing it carves a permanent scar on your track record and leaves your wetting your bed at night.

At times like these, everybody deserves a shoulder to cry on. It does not matter who's fault it is. There is no role for shame and blame. Learn from the mistakes, survive the trauma and carry on with life as a better person.

As for those who are genetically incapable of showing empathy, or just genuinely think they are better than others....Silence is golden.

There is no need to add insult to injury.

Just because today you stand tall while others fall doesn't mean that's where you'll always be. Frankly, it doesn't mean shit.

What goes around does come around.

Know when to keep your fucking trap shut and maybe, just maybe, the next time when it is your turn to fall, some kind soul will still be around to offer you solace.

May your god have mercy on you for what you did.

Come to think of it, it is people like you that prove god does not exist. I mean, if he were god, how could he fuck up so bad by creating you in the first place? Damn.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Malacca: Food Porn


Good food abound - if you know where to look, that is.

A good example of style over substance - Famosa Chicken Rice....

Looks great, tastes so-so...

Famosa Ball Chicken Rice

Chicken rice balls

Roasted Chicken

Roasted Pork

Steamed fish otak-otak

Preserved sour veggie

Quality certainly not really up to par....what a shame.

The chicken rice outlets over at Jonker Street offer a much more authentic ball rice experience....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Malacca: Played - a - Live


Colonial grandeur, Old town charm and New world chaos resonating in perfect harmony...

An elderly gentleman serenading the ghosts of Malacca past in the remains of the A Famosa fort

Street performers breaking the silence

A token of appreciation

Let the music heal your soul.......

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year...

Not too bad a start.

Things are definitely looking up...

Happy New Year.
