Been on an emotional dry spell recently.
Work is routine and monotonous. Hardly the place one would look for inspiration, if at all.
I need a break.
A break from the physical, emotional and *smeerrkk* gastronomical overloading I've been going through for the past God-knows how long.
I've been down. I've been battered. And yes, I've been broken.
I've been through hell and, frankly, I'm not sure if all of me is back yet.
But it's about time to start picking up the pieces.
Time to put a stop to the suffering. My suffering.
Took me long enough to realize
These wounds will cut only as deep as I allow them to.....and I've already allowed them a few inches too much.
Time to pull out the thorn.
Time to reach out for Hope.
Time heals everything.....
Time to give time, time....

The sky is the limit.
Reach up, reach out
and reach for the stars