Why am I even discussing this topic?
I don't know bout you guys but I'm bored.
Dead bored.
It's the same stuff over again and again and again.
I mean, come on, again???
Hell, it's starting to sound like some Ringu shit here.
' 7 days.......it'll never stop.............arrrrrrrrrrr..........'
Sooner or later Miss Ringu's gonna yell 'I QUIT!!'
Then we'll have to resort to this.
So Put a cap to it.
Bury the grudge.
Ignore the ignorant.
Ding the Dong.
(ok the last one does not make any sense - don't crack your head over it)
Okay, so you screwed up. So somebody doesn't think rosy thoughts of you.
Big hairy deal.
For all you know, the entire workforce might hate you to the guts.
So? Life goes on.
Give it a few weeks, maybe months and someone/ something more interesting will take your place as the Talk of the Town.
Then you'll be free.
As for now?
Sit back, and enjoy your 15 minutes of fame.
Trust me, it doesn't get any better than this.
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